Sunday, June 26, 2011

Baby Steps .. My Solar Oven's Minor First Upgrade

Just to keep you up to date, the solar oven mentioned below had a little more testing today.

Outside temp; 100 degrees F.

So last night I did a pretty lazy job of covering the interior walls with foil, applied simply and not so elegantly with a little of my 5 year old's Elmer's glue. I had originally intended to make some reflectors, but a half-hearted search didn't unearth my tape measure, so the interior would have to do.

I put the solar oven back in the yard for some testing this morning. After a few hours with lackluster results, in lieu of black paint ( I simply didn't have any) I folded up an old black tee shirt to line the bottom surface of the cooker.

The results ... well it's about 2:30 pm and the solar oven has reached neighborhood of about 225 degrees. That's a 25 degree improvement that I attribute much more to the black bottom than the foiled sides.

Other things to note: .
My box cutting job wasn't even close to perfect, so, I'm sure that along with the loss from the glass, there's probably quite a bit of loss where the glass rests along the cut top of the box. I'll need to fashion some sort of gasket to seal that up a little better.

So the black t-shirt worked out, but I'ld really like to try a fitted, flat black piece of scrap metel in there for not only attracting the heat, but holding it in as well.

I'll also have to look a little more into the options for insulating the box. With summer temps here in the desert, that's probably last on the list.

Once I find one of my dang tape measures I'll see how much heat we can generate by adding some reflectors to the solar cooker.

I'm really trying to see how close I can get to the 360 - 400 degrees F boasted by the $300 commercial versions I have seen online - but, in reality, I'd be pretty darn happy with 300 degrees, only because that is a temperature I am famiar with from the gas oven in my home.

and that's that...

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